Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice of Be Shaping the Future S.p.A. website and LinkedIn pages

With the following notices on the processing of personal data (“Privacy Notice”) and the use of cookies (“Cookies Notice”), Be Shaping the Future S.p.A., with headquarters in Viale dell'Esperanto, 71 - 00144 - Rome, Italy - VAT number 01483450209, in its quality of data controller, (hereinafter, “Be” or the “Data Controller”), intends to provide information on the methods of processing personal data and the use of cookies and in particular on the processing related to the provision, collection and subsequent operations carried out on the personal data of the parties involved in the processing (hereinafter, the “Data subjects”), i.e. the users (hereinafter, the “Users”) who consult the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) and LinkedIn pages of Be Group and interact with the services available through both Websites.

Privacy Notice

Be informs that personal data of Data Subjects will be processed in accordance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and related implementing legislation (hereinafter, jointly referred to as the “Regulation”).

This Privacy Notice is provided only for Be Website and for LinkedIn pages of Be Group, not for other websites that may be consulted by the User through links.

  1. Data controller.

    Data controller is Be Shaping the Future SpA, with headquarters in Viale dell'Esperanto, 71 - 00144 - Rome, Italy - VAT number 01483450209.

  2. Purposes of the processing.

    The User's request to enter data in specific sections of the Website involves the subsequent acquisition of certain personal data of the Data Subject, necessary to respond to the requests of the same. Therefore, the personal data will be collected directly from the Data Subject.

    The personal data of the Data Subject will be processed for the purposes of managing the provision of services available on the Website (such as, for example, on-demand services).

  3. Methods of processing.

    For the above purposes, the data processing by the Data Controller will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality and freedom rights of the Data Subjects and it will be carried out by manual, computerized and telematics tools with methods strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, aimed at ensuring the safety of data and the full compliance with the applicable legislation concerning the protection of personal data.

  4. Legal basis of the processing.

    The legal basis for data processing is the execution of a contract and the provision of the service requested.

  5. Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data.

    The provision of persona data is optional. However, any refusal to provide personal data for the purposes referred to under paragraph 1 above may prevent the Data Controller from providing its services to the Data Subject.

  6. Circulation and data communication.

    The personal data of Data Subjects shall not be disseminated. Be shall not transfer the data outside the European Union.

    Within the organization of Data Controller, the personal data may be processed only by the relevant offices appointed to carry out processing activities.

    Be may communicate the personal data of the Data Subject to third parties only if this is necessary in order to provide its services. Such subjects will have access to the personal data necessary to perform these functions (and may not use them for other purposes), and will be required to process the data in accordance with applicable law. The aforementioned suppliers will act as data processors appointed by Be and will be included in an updated list, which can be easily known at no charge by sending a request to the email address indicated under paragraph 9 of this Privacy Notice.

  7. Place of data retention.

    The Data shall be stored on servers located within the European Union.

  8. Period of data retention.

    Any personal data collected for the purposes indicated under paragraph 1 above, shall be retained for as long has necessary to provide the requested information. Subsequently, personal data will be retained for a period not exceeding the limitation period established by law to exercise or defend a right in Court.

  9. Data Subjects’ rights and contact details for exercising the rights.

    Pursuant to Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, the Data Subject has the right to:

    1. obtain information in relation to the purposes for which personal data are processed, to the period of processing and to the subjects to whom the data are communicated (right of access);

    2. obtain the rectification or integration of incorrect personal data concerning the Data Subject itself (right to rectification);

    3. obtain the deletion of personal data in the following cases (i) the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected; (ii) the Data Subject has withdrawn his/her consent to the processing of personal data, if these are processed on the basis of his consent; (iii) the Data Subject has opposed the processing of personal data concerning him/her, in case these are processed for our legitimate interest; or (iv) the processing of personal data does not comply with the law. However, it is to be noted that the retention of personal data by the Data Controller is also lawful if it is necessary in order to fulfil a legal obligation or to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in Court

      (cancellation right);

    4. obtain that the personal data are only stored without any further use in the following cases: (i) the Data Subject disputes the accuracy of the data, for the period that is necessary for allowing Be to verify the accuracy of such personal data; (ii) the processing is unlawful but the Data Subject objects to the deletion of the personal data; (iii) the personal data are necessary for ascertaining, exercising or defending a right in Court; (iv) the Data Subject has opposed the processing and is awaiting the verification of the possible prevalence of Be’s legitimate interest to the processing (limitation right);

    5. receive in a common, structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, all personal data, if

these are processed under a contract or on the basis of the Data Subject’s consent (portability right).

Any requests for the exercise of the above rights may be sent by the Data Subject to the following e-mail address: or sent to Be Shaping the Future S.p.A. in Viale dell'Esperanto, 71 - 00144 Rome (Italy). The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (also known as DPO) pursuant to sec. 37 of the Regulation, which is domiciled for the position at the address of the data controller and can be contacted for any matter concerning the data processing at the same email address:

Please also note that the Data Subject has the right to contact the competent Data Protection Authority (for Italian Data Subjects: Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Piazza Venezia n. 11, 00187 - Rome) in order to enforce his/her rights with regard to the data processing.

Cookies Notice

Be uses cookies on the Website to simplify and improve the Users’ browsing.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are placed on your hard disk when you access a certain part of the Website. Cookies help to easily use the services offered by Be and to automatically provide Be with information in order to improve the browsing experience of Users.

  1. Technical Cookies.

    These types of cookies are strictly necessary for normal browsing and use of the Website, as well as for the proper use of its certain functions. These cookies do not record any personal information regarding User.

    Be use the following technical cookies:

    - Navigation or session cookies

    They are essential to allow browsing and use of the Website (allowing, for example, authentication to access restricted areas) and they are stored only for the duration of the browsing session itself. This means that when the User closes the browser, cookies are automatically erased without remaining stored on the device or computer.

    The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet, which is based on the

    TCP/IP protocol. This information is not collected to be associated with identified Data Subjects, but by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow the identification of the surfing Users. This category of data includes the "IP addresses" or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the Website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment of the User. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website and to check the correct functioning of the Website. It should be noted that the aforesaid data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the Website or other sites connected or linked to it: except for this possibility, at present the data on web contacts do not persist for more than a few days. The use of session cookies by Be is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the Website. The aforesaid session cookies used on the Website avoid the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of Users' browsing and do not acquire personal identification data of the User.

    Some services or sessions of the Website might not work properly if persistent cookies are disabled. Pursuant to applicable law, it is not required your prior consent to install these types of cookies. At any time, you may disable the use of technical cookies, following the instruction indicated under the paragraph “How to manage or erase cookies” of this Cookie Notice.

  2. How to manage or erase cookies

1) Check and manage cookies with extensions or other tools

It is possible to check, in real time, which cookies are used on the Website through simple and free extensions of their browser.

For example, we recommend Edit Cookie, an extension of Google Chrome that allows you to check, analyze, manage, enable, disable the cookies used on the Website: it can be installed at the following link g.

Other tools also provide for the analysis of individual parts of the Website, to verify which of them use cookies and which cookies in particular. For example, we recommend this tool

By using the Chrome browser, it is also possible to inspect the presence of cookies by selecting the appropriate item that appears by clicking with the right mouse button on the portion of the site of interest (“inspect element”).

However, the User is asked to check whether his browser has other extensions or other tools for managing cookies (cookie manager or similar). 2) Manage browser cookies

The User can always disable the use of cookies through the settings of the browser used for navigation. However, please keep in mind that, in case of deactivation of cookies, some functions on the Website could be limited or prevented and in any case the experience in general could be compromised.

For better information, the User is invited to read the instructions for managing, deactivating and deleting cookies in the main navigation browsers (by clicking on the browser name you are linked to the relevant provider page):